15 April 2011

‘A Few Recent Books on Spirituality’ :: by Byron Borger :: on Hearts & Minds Books


Pilgrimage of a Soul: Contemplative Spirituality for the Active Life  Phileena HeuertzPilgrimage of a soul.jpg (Likewise/IVP) $15.00  Earlier this summer I got to do a small workshop on the Biblical basis for and the spirituality that helps fund, a life-long commitment to social justice.  Some of the books that relate faith formation and justice work are near classics (like, say, The Active Life by Parker Palmer, drawing on the deeper Contemplation in a World of Action, by Thomas Merton.)  One of my favorites, for its fun and practical style, is the gem by Tony Campolo and Mary Darling called The God of Intimacy & Action.  This new one by Phileena Heuertz stands in the tradition of those books that struggle to bring together the “journey inward and journey outward” and it, too, may someday be considered a watershed and seminal offering.

 Some of this raw and poignant meditation is a memoir, telling of her spiritual journey, her call to serve the poor, and a great section on her 33-day pilgrimage down the El Camino de Santiago. (There are a lot of books on this ancient Christian practice these days, by the way—-we have probably 8 or so here in the shop, including the very useful The Way is Made By Walking by Canadian Mennonite pastor Arthur Boers, and the very recent volume in the “Ancient Practices” series, one called The Sacred Journey by Charles Foster )  Besides Heuertz’ work with the amazing Word Made Flesh (her husband’s book about that extraordinary global work is called Simple Spirituality: Learning to See God in a Broken World) she has dug deeply into the important authors and directors in the contemplative tradition. Her work in global missions and “downward mobility” to serve is guided by her inner life of deep spirituality.  As one with ecumenical interests who has learned much from Catholic mystics, I am just floored (and so happy) that a solid evangelical publisher like IVP has an author so fluent in the writings of not only Henri Nouwen, but John Mains, Thomas Keating, Macrina Wiederkehr, Cynthia Bourgeault, Tilden Edwards, and obviously the important work of Ronald Rolheiser.  From the important feminist theology of Carol Lakey Hess to the liberation themes of Jon Sobrino, to the self-awareness gleaned by books from the likes of David Benner,  Heuertz has worked the literary field and picked the best fruits to bring to the table of this fine book.  There is also poetry, moving charcoal sketches drawn by an artist friend, and great and honest reflections on how to keep God’s sustaining presence alive in your life.   With endorsements from Franciscan Richard Rohr to Baptist Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, you should know that this book is being seen as a true gift, an amazing story, a reliable guidebook for the contemplative activist.

‘A Few Recent Books on Spirituality’ :: by Byron Borger :: on Hearts & Minds Books
