08 September 2014

Blog Series :: Journey of the Soul


And so it begins! I finally got this new website up and running and I’m looking forward to spending time with you!

Over the next weeks and months, you’re invited to join me each Friday for a journey of the soul as we explore the themes of my book Pilgrimage of a Soul.

If you’ve read Pilgrimage of a Soul, you’ll know that many years ago it became apparent that I needed to carve out more solitude, silence and stillness. In addition to daily prayer practice, I was drawn to adopt a full day each week devoted to spiritual practice. “Phileena Fridays” became that day.

You may not have the luxury to take a whole day each week, and you don’t need to have read Pilgrimage of a Soul, but you may be able to carve out a few moments, one day a week, for personal contemplative reflection. I’ll be with you, supporting you through those sacred moments.

Each blog entry will have a short reflection from the book centered around one of the seven movements the soul traverses in the spiritual journey: awakening, longing, darkness, death, transformation, intimacy, union.

Following the entry will be a guided reflection to help you with your own spiritual integration.

Feel free to comment and converse with one another along the way.

To keep up with the posts, I recommend you subscribe. (You can find a box to enter your email address to the right of this post on the Blog page.)

Until then…

Be well. Breathe deep.

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