14 May 2012

What Shameful Things Will History Write About Us?

I’ve spent nearly 20 years cultivating relationships and building community all over the world among children who are victims of AIDS, former child soldiers and war brides, abandoned widows, children who live on the streets and victims of human trafficking. Though there are many good things happening on behalf of people in need, I’ve also seen how some of the best intentions can breed violence. Hind-sight is 20-20. It’s easy to pick on the Christian crusaders of Europe or the Christian slave-holders of America. They thought they had divine approval and even divine sanction for their actions of exploitation, abuse and slaughter. But what about us today? How are we repeating the sins of our ancestors? What shameful things will history write about us? Could it be the absurdity of recycling while continuing to over-consume? Or fighting to end wars in Africa while continuing to purchase computers and cell phones that use the very minerals that are the object of the wars?

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